Pavilion for smokers in TAC, Eindhoven
Completed 2008Client Temporary Art Centre (TAC), Eindhoven
Constructed Ateliereen Architecten
The Netherlands has a new smoking policy. It is no longer allowed to smoke in public buildings. Not in offices, neither in bars and restaurants. Also the Temporary Art Centre in Eindhoven had to adapt to this new policy. There was a need for a little pavilion for smokers in the patio. Although we don't smoke ourselves, we felt that we -as architects in the TAC- should make a design for it.
We kept the design light and transparent, so it would fit nicely in the patio. Therefore we choose to make an almost floating roof, made of transparent polycarbonate. But the design could also use a wink or a little joke to lighten the subject. We added PVC-tubes like small chimneys, they symbolically abduct the smoke exhaled by the smokers. Some of these tubes support the roof and others are used as an ashtray. Result is a light and happy element in the TAC patio.
We wish all smokers fun, ugh!