Collaboration Ateliereen - ViForis
The recurring collaboration with ViForis has led to Maud becoming part of the ViForis team. She will of course take all the experience and creativity from Ateliereen with her! Together we stand strong for the green space. From this new place, and under the new name, even more beautiful projects can be created.
Belfort Vossenberg open to the public
The construction of the observation tower at the Vossenberg was completed last week. The Belfort is now accessible to everyone. We have also taken a look and the photos are on our website!
Concrete base Belfort ready
The construction of 'De Belfort' observation tower is progressing steadily. The concrete base, with a strong reference to the casemates, was recently made. The steelwork is in production and will be assembled soon.
Construction started of the Belfort observation tower in Meijel
In Meijel, a number of casemates of the Peel-Raamstelling are made to be experienced. There also will be placed an observation tower. The tower -or Belfort- will have four spacious platforms on which a number of themes are central: war and peace, the Peel, (landscape) art and the cultural landscape. On top, visitors overlook the Peel and the church villages. The project is expected to be completed at the end of this year.
Ateliereen selected to design a canopy walk in Sonian Forest!
Our team (Ateliereen Architecten, Fugzia and Antea Group) has been selected by the Flemish Government Architect for the study assignment for a canopy walk and the design of an experience center in the Sonian Forest near Brussels. A great challenge to get started with!
Opening of the Herperduin observation tower
Yesterday, alderman Johan van der Schoot opened the observation tower in Herperduin together with a few strange creatures! The "virtual binoculars" were also launched. Visitors on the tower can receive additional information about the view using the website: website datisoss/uitkijktoren
Herperduin observation tower completed
What a beautiful place in the Maashorst: Herperduin! Parabolic dunes, forests, fens, sand ... and recently a watchtower to enjoy all this beauty even more. The round shape, in combination with the wooden 'jacket' of poles, creates a friendly image that fits well into the natural environment.
Visiting the production of tower Herperduin
We have visited Wonders Metaal: the production-location of the watchtower that will soon be placed in nature-area Herperduin. The assembly will start at the beginning of February.
Opening landmark Capelle celebrated
Yesterday the viewers were officially opened in Capelle aan den IJssel. The alderman opened the landmark with a number of children. It was festively celebrated with winter snacks and drinks.
Observation tower on the sand drift of Herperduin
In the nature and recreation area Herperduin, Ateliereen has designed a watchtower. From the tower one looks over the forests and sand drifts that characterize the area. The tower consists of a steel structure with a wooden 'coat' of peeled tree trunks. The trunks fit well with other elements from the adjacent play forest.The tower is expected to be ready in February.

A Bird's-eye view - Dutch Design Week 2018
A bird's-eye view is a retrospective of watchtowers designed by Ateliereen Architecten. The realization of the watchtower in Reusel in 2009 was the starting point from which we became involved in a number of other watchtowers. This exhibition shows the versatility of the design assignment, as well as all aspects of the work from design to completion.The exhibition can be viewed during the Dutch Design Week (20-28 October) at the Temporary Art Center.

Periscopes in Capelle are placed
Last week the periscopes have been placed in the Vuykpark in Capelle aan den IJssel. With the deep blue color and large size it is an impressive piece of art, the silhouettes give the view a great effect! This week the final finishes are done and then the landmark is ready for an official unveiling.

Official opening viewing tower Onlanden
In December the tower near Groningen opened to the public. The official opening of the new viewing tower of Natuurmonumenten will take place on Thursday januari 18th.
Viewing tower in De Onlanden almost completed!
In the Onlanden, near Groningen, the last work is done at the tower.
Nice video of the tower on 'hill B'
We found a nice video of the viewing tower at the Hoge Bergse Bos made with a drone.
Assembly viewing tower Onlanden
Last week the assembly of the viewing tower in the Onlanden has started. In the coming weeks, the tower will be completed and it will be opened in October.
Opening viewing tower Hoge Bergse Bos
On July 6th, the festive opening of the new lookout tower at the Hoge Bergse Bosch Mountain will take place. There are already some beautiful new pictures on our website.
Into the sky!
The design of the tower at Hoge Bergse Bos is ideal to assemble at the site. Now, after some preparation, the tower can be constructed quickly.The tower will be opened in July

The construction of the tower at Hoge Bergse Bos has started!
In Bergschenhoek , the construction of the viewing tower has begun. The foundation is deposited and soon the construction gets its height.We have designed the tower as a three-dimensional maze in which visitors have views from various altitudes and in various directions.

- Click here to see how the tower will look like
Update viewing tower in De Onlanden
Last Friday we visited Bouwbedrijf Doornenbal, the contractor who will construct the tower in De Onlanden. We could see the first wooden triangle at full size. In the coming months the tower will get shape and at the end of summer it will be accessible for the public!
- Click here to view the project
Design for landmarks Capelle a/d IJssel presented
This week we presented the design for the landmarks at the IJssel river during a meeting with residents. The design has been received very positively!In order to improve the connection of the center with the water, the municipality would like to realize a landmark. It is a location in the Vuykpark which was a shipyard until the late 1970s. Together with residents we created the design of a number of periscopic viewers with which the environment can be explored.
We continue with the technical implementation so that the project can be installed in the autumn.

Construction work started in Best
This week, the fences are placed in the Molenstraat and the contractor starts his work at the site. Cafe De Mulder will be completely refurbished and Cello will open a lunchroom in a few months. On the other side of the mill the contractor starts with the construction of a workshop, where people will find work in the tea processing. Follow our website and facebook page for regular updates of the building.
- Click here to read the article in Groeiend Best.
We wish everyone a merry Christmas and a happy 2017!

Viewing tower natural park 'De Onlanden'
'De Onlanden' is a new natural park located south of the city of Groningen. Natuurmonumenten wants to enhance the experience of this valuable natural area with a viewing tower. From the observation tower people soon will have a beautiful view and follow the development of the new nature. The design is a modest but recognizable landmark in the open landscape.Instead of focusing on the lookout platform, the climb to it is designed as an experience. During the walk to the top, you don't have the feeling of being in a tower, but on a path through the trees. At the top there is a nice view at the landscape and the skyline of Groningen.

- Read the article at
Ateliereen part of exhibition 'Eindhoven Eight' in Vertigo building at TU/e
Eindhoven Eight is an investigation into Eindhoven's contemporary architectural culture through the means of exhibition. Beyond surveying the current state of new architecture in Eindhoven, this exhibition further intends to think differently on the way architecture is exhibited, whilst engaging both architectural insiders and the general public. The exhibition arises from a master's course within TU Eindhoven, but goes further by shaping itself outside the boundaries of the institution.
We wish everyone a merry Christmas and an inspiring new year!

Design for a tower in Bergschenhoek!
Recently we finished the design of a viewing tower near Rotterdam. In the "Hoge Bergse Bos" in Bergschenhoek a 22 meter high tower must complete a renewed recreational hill.The design works as a three-dimensional labyrinth in which visitors have various views from all heights and to all directions. The steel structure is clearly visible in the fa�ade and will be colored white. This will make the tower recognizable. The railing of the staircase will be made of wood.

Viewing tower Lommel in Korean magazine
'Details 39' magazine from A&C Publishing Co. wrote a nice article about the viewing tower in Lommel.Click here to view the article in pdf format. Or go to the project page.

Ateliereen makes the design for a workshop and lunchroom next to the mill in Best!
Ateliereen designs a workshop and lunchroom for Cello Zorg. Cello provides care and services for people with disabilities to living, working and leisure. At the site of the windmill in Best they develop a lunchroom and workshop for its clients.The old mill-house will be re-designed as a lunchroom. The workshop will be housed in a new building. Here do the clients Cello work at different levels. Both buildings have a beautiful view of the mill.

Lightscupture RijnWaalpad is installed.
The interactive lightsculpture that we have designed is installed in the tunnel of the RijnWaalpad. The colour of the light can be operated by cyclists through an app. In early July the RijnWaalpad will be officially opened and the light will work also in operation.
Opening vewing tower Lommel
The viewing tower in the Lommelse Sahara will be opened coming wednesday. Than everybody can enjoy a great view from 30 meters high over the landscape!
Rope, lots of rope!
With the attachment of the rope, the last phase of the construction of the tower in the Lommel Sahara started. Saggy ropes symbolize the sand dunes of the Sahara. We have been able to see the effect and it is beautiful! The opening of the tower is expected in April.
On to a beautiful new year!

We wish you all a Merry Christmas and an inspiring 2015!

Visiting the construction site in Lommel
This morning we visited the construction site of the tower. The first part of the structure is at a height.
Panorama wall drawing Heerlen
Last weekend we assisted Anneke Vervoort by making a large wall drawing of the panoramic view of Heerlen. More than 20 meters wide, in a record time of 29 hours. Best seen when standing in the middle of the room you can also watch the video placed on youtube for a impression.The drawing is part of the exhibition "Unbuilt Heerlen" which opens Friday, September 26th. The opening will be at 17:30 in the Glas Paleis in Heerlen. You are all welcome! You can visit the exhibition until January 18th, 2015.

A short video with the the making of drawing on youtube.
You can find more work of Anneke on:
Preparation for construction in Lommel in full swing
The preparations for the construction of the observation tower in Lommel (Belgium), are in full swing. With the contractor, we discuss the final details. Before the summer holiday, the foundation will be made. Keep an eye on our website for further developments!
Article in newspaper De Telegraaf
After El Pais published their list of most spectacular viewing towers, the Tower in Reusel was a hot item for several dutch newspapers and even national television.
- Click here to view the article in newspaper 'De Telegraaf'

- Click here to view the item on YouTube
Portfolio magazines
We made a paper version of our portfolio. Result: two beautiful magazines. A drawing book with sketches, impressions and paintings and a project book with our architectural projects.
In the Spanish newspaper
Today in the travel magazine of the Spanish newspaper El Pais: 40 remarkable viewing points, including two projects of Ateliereen: the adventure tower at Beldert Beach and the viewing tower in Reusel!
Not the winning design for tender in Hengelo
Unfortunately, we did not win the tender for a watchtower in Hengelo. The design "De Kelk', a proposal by UrbanActs from Arnhem has been announced as the winner. Nevertheless, we proudly present present our proposal: A playful, smooth, corten steel staircase that functions as a landmark along the A1 highway.

PechaKucha Eindhoven #12
Next week, thursday februari 20, there's a new edition of PechaKucha night in Eindhoven.PechaKucha night is a worldwide phenomenon that inspires and shares ideas, concepts and amazing projects. During this night 12 presentations consisting of 20 images of 20 seconds make for a high speed night, full of eye-opening entertainment. Pecha Kucha Eindhoven presents a series of elevating speakers on a wide range of topics, like science, design, social innovation, art and other surprising stories.
Ateliereen is one of the organising parties of Pecha Kucha Eindhoven.
DATE Thursday night January 20, 2014
TIME First presentation starts at 20:20 hrs
LOCATION TAC, Vonderweg 1 Eindhoven

Sketch submitted for tender
Last week we submitted a sketch of a viewing tower in the Weusthag Park by invitation of the city of Hengelo. We made a cheerful design: visitors will go up by a smooth pendulum stairs. In addition to our plan, other proposals are submitted. One of the entries will soon be the chosen to be realized.

We wish you all an inspiring 2014!
Adventure tower on international blogs!
The adventure tower at Beldert Beach has been post on various international websites, such as ArchDaily, Dezeen and Inhabitat.11-11-2013
City trip Bucharest
Last week we made a city trip to capital of Rumania: Bucharest. Although it is a relative unknown travel destination, it is well worth to visit. Beside the palace of parliament -which is one of the biggest buildings of the world- there are many interesting places to see.For instance the Memorial of Rebirth, which commemorates the Romanian Revolution of 1989. And the Obor market, one of Bucharest's largest public markets. It covered about 16 city blocks and included a variety of indoor and outdoor market spaces. We also enjoyed a free guided tour. The guide showed us less visible highlights of the city, with a personal touch. In short: it is recommended to visit the city!


Tower on Beldert Beach at full height.
The highest point (20m) of the tower has been reached! Construction workers are now finishing the joints of the concrete rings. After that the stairs and the viewing platform will be mounted.
With the yellow fencing the building becomes a cheerfull icon on the beach.

Construction climbing tower at Beldert Beach in full swing!
The construction of the tower and climb to the Beldert Beach Zoelen is in full swing.Yesterday we visited the construction site. On a beautiful sunny day we saw how the concrete elements were stacked. A few more elements to go and then the highest point (20m) of the tower will be reached!

Extention for a Beach Club in Vught
Ateliereen designed an extention for a beach club at the recreational lake in Vught.The characteristic long, red roofs of the existing buildings at the lake determine the image and identity of the lakeside. To reinforce this, we find a tight and restrained construction the most appropriate. To connect with the existing, old building we suggest a wooden structure with glass placed in between. The rhythm of the window frames emphasizes the long facade.

The RijnWaalpad tunnel in Bemmel almost ready for our light scupture
The prefabricated bicycle tunnel of the RijnWaalpad is almost finished. Now the gabions wioll be placed and than LED-light sculpture, designed by Ateliereen. This autumn the tunnel will be opened.
First concrete elements are ready!
A special moment this week when we inspected the first concrete elements at the factory of Mombarg Beton. The design no longer only exists on paper, it is becoming reality.
Climbing tower at Beldert Beach
The construction of the climbing tower at Beldert Beach in Zoelen will start this month. The 20 meters high object made of concrete, contains a observation platform and will be challenging with its climbing wall and zipline. The combination of light-grey concrete and bright yellow steel makes the tower both robust and cheerful. Watch the impression of the tower and the surrounding, made by Active Constructions.
Viewing tower Dalfsen wins Benelux Trophy for Galvanizing 2013
The viewing tower in Dalfsen has won the Benelux Trophy for Galvanizing in the category characteristic steel components and sculptures. Yesterday the trophy was awarded during the 'Dag van het termisch verzinken' in Mechelen (B).
Progress for observation tower Lommel
The construction of the observation tower in "De Lommelse Sahara" in Lommel (Belgium) will start at the end of this summer. Ateliereen Architecten created in co-operation with MaMu architecten a striking design of up to 30 meters high. The undulating lines of the sand dunes in the Sahara were the main source of inspiration for the design of the tower.
New website
We welcome you to our renewed website! Please let us know what you think of it at

Viewing tower in Dalfsen completed
Coming wednesday the viewing tower in Dalfsen will be officially opened. The tower with a nice view towards the river is free accessible. It is situated at the corner of 'De Stokte' and 'Frankenweg' in Dalfsen (NL)
Almost finished!
Yesterday we visited the building site of the viewing tower in Dalfsen.
Construction of the tower in Dalfsen nears completion.
The construction of the viewing tower in Dalfsen progresses visibly. The steel structure is almost completed. Within the next few days the wooden slats will be mounted to the steel.
Ateliereen shows work at the Dutch Design Week!
At the entrance of Zona Ventosa our artwork gives a spatial experience.We also exhibit some of our latest architecture projects.
Come and see!

Dutch Design Week | 20 - 28 october 2012
Temporary Art Centre | Vonderweg 1 Eindhoven
opening times 11:00 - 20:00 uur
Ateliereen designs adventure tower in Zoelen (NL)
Holland Evenementengroep in Zoelen (NL) has asked us to design a viewing tower at the beach of the recreational lake "De Beldert". This week we have presented our design.The tower is multi-functional. Two sides can be used for climbing, there is a boulder wall and there is a small office and storage included in the building. On top there is a viewing platform at a height of nineteen meters, which offers a view over the water and the wide area.

The tower will be constructed in concrete, which is robust, but can have a high-quality finish. The function of the tower is recognizable because the coloured climbing routes contrasts with the silver-like background. The stairs will have a prominent, bright colour. This way the route up is marked and the building will draw attention.

Extention Generaal Bothastraat Eindhoven completed
The wooden facade has been finished last week and with that the enlargement of the house is completed. Now the terrace can be constructed!
Unfortunately not selected
Unfortunately, our design for the lifeguard of Nesselande is not selected by the municipality of Rotterdam. Although the jury had much appreciation for the colorful beach architecture we're not selected.
Lightsculpture "De Bleker" placed in Venray!

Another Viewing tower!
Together with Wonders Metaal we've won a tender for a viewing tower for the municipality of Dalfsen. The jury appreciated our design: a simple straight tower covered with slats. The tower, overlooking the "Vechtdal", will be completed later this year.
Life guard house Rotterdam
In a call for entries Ateliereen Architecten has been selected by the city of Rotterdam. The client wants a design for a beach watch pavilion. In competition with four other parties we are invited to make a design proposal.12-03-2012
Ateliereen Architecten will design a viewing toren in Lommel!
We have been selected by the city of Lommel (BE) to make a design for a viewing tower in nature park "De Lommelse Sahara". In the future this will be the place where visitors can get information about the history of this special area! Together with our Belgium partner MaMu architecten from Hasselt we will develop this project in the next few months
GO for light sculpture in bicycle tunnel
The "RijnWaalpad" is a fast cycling route between Arnhem and Nijmegen which offers a comfortable and safe track. There is one tunnel on this route -under highway A15- where Ateliereen designed a light sculpture. It encourages greater use of the bicycle route and cycling together. We have given a presentation for the board members of "Arnhem Nijmegen Region". Their reaction was very positive and we have got a GO!

The Dutch Design Week was a big success!
We want to thank everyone for all the nice comments. In our exhibition Ateliereen x acht we have shown a selection of our work with a lot of enthusiasm. Thank you!
Many good responses Ateliereen x acht during DDW.
We received many positive reactions on our exhibition at the Dutch Design Week. It was a crowded weekend in Zona Ventosa. Ateliereen x acht can be seen until 30 October. Welcome!
We are preparing for the Dutch Design Week
We are preparing for the Dutch Design Week 2011. At Zona Ventosa we present: ateliereen x acht.TAC, Atelierdorp and Ventosaflat proudly present Zona Ventosa! No less then 15 exhibitions on three locations, brought to you by upcoming and established, national �nd international designers. Make sure you don't miss the edgiest event of Dutch Design Week 22-31 october 2011!

Design viewing tower Zonhoven (Belgium) not selected
The Belgian town of Zonhoven invited uw and five other offices to make a design for a 30 meters high tower in nature park "The Wijers". A "Wijer" is an old name for a pond where fish are reared. And still, this wetland area with more than 1000 ponds is used for fish farming.We have designed a tower of which the shape is inspired by fish scales. We translated this pattern into a structure of staircases and landings. At the same time these elements are the major part of the support structure. There are various routes possible, up towards the top of the building. This makes the climb an experience, it's different every time.
For this project we have collaborated with MaMu architecten from Hasselt (Belgium). Unfortunately the design was not selected by the jury.

"Genius: a one day invention"
On June the 23rd Lucid organized the event "Genius: a one day invention". During this event students of Industrial Design of the TU/e were be able to design their own party! During daytime they could participate in several workshops of which the results were be used and exhibited at the party that night.Ateliereen gave a workshop in furniture design. Three groups of students worked on modular seating and tables. This resulted in a big chair, a table and a set of seats used at the partyt that night.

The website of Ateliereen Architecten in English!
Because we see that our website is visited by people from various countries we decided to make the site accessible in English as well. Hopefully in this way we can clarify our work to more people.11-10-2010
Upcoming: Dutch Design Week 2010!
During the DDW (October 23|30 in Eindhoven) one of the 20 design-rides will carry an ateliereen design on its roof. A scale model (1:20) of our design for stacked housing can be spotted driving around in Eindhoven.
In the newspaper!
The tower in Reusel is included in an article in newspaper the "Volkskrant" dated June 2 on the next generation viewing towers."Every year, a tower there. The new generation viewing towers is no longer about the look alone. The tower is just as important as the view. Experience recreation at high altitude."

Honourable mention
Ateliereen received a honourable mention in an international design-competition for a Centre of contemporary art. The jury appreciated the spectacular design:'The conceptually strong intervention throws literally a new sight into the shed and creates new possibilities for the relation to the surroundings' according to the judge.

- Go to the project